Erin Hasinoff

  • Postdoctoral Fellow
  • BGC and the American Museum of Natural History
  • Website: NONE
  • Twitter: NONE

I am a postdoctoral fellow in museum anthropology at the Bard Graduate Center and the American Museum of Natural History. Before coming to BGC in 2010 I taught in the Museum Anthropology MA Program at Columbia University, and the Cultural Heritage Preservation Studies MA Program at Rutgers. My book, Faith in Objects: American Missionary Expositions in the Early Twentieth Century (Palgrave Macmillan), was published last fall. My areas of research are the history and theory of museums, collecting, colonialism, material culture studies, anthropology and the cultural heritage of Burma (Myanmar). At the BGC I am curating a focus gallery exhibition about the AMNH's Vernay-Hopwood Chindwin Expedition of 1935, which conducted a survey of the small mammals of Northern Burma. The show will open in April of 2013.