Comments on: Session Proposal: Web Content Management Systems and Museum Libraries The Humanities and Technology Camp Sun, 24 Jun 2012 14:48:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anthony Weiner Mon, 28 May 2012 05:17:58 +0000 Open source or free CMS is free. The implementation cost is low. However, many users have concerns about security risks involved in using free CMS. Proprietary CMS on the other hand can cost you more, however, there is no security threat for users. It is mainly developed by a vendor or owned by the developers. So, whatever you choose, select as per your budget and business requirement.

By: jsarubbi Sat, 19 May 2012 13:39:28 +0000 In that sense, a library catalog system would be the right choice. I was thinking about CMSes in the sense of archiving digital collections.

By: Amanda French Sat, 19 May 2012 13:24:05 +0000 I guess this means museum libraries used for research, correct, where people get to check out the books and so on, not museum libraries where the books are part of the collection? If the former, wouldn’t a library catalog system rather than a CMS be the right choice?
