Documenting TCMNY

There’s sure to be a lot of great conversations this weekend – so of course we want to document them – both for with those who can’t attend and our own future reference. In the spirit of the unconference, the sessions are unlikely to have slides or handouts to share, so we’re looking to you, the campers, to help create the THATCamp Museums NYC bibliography.

There’s four ways that you can contribute to the TCMNY bibliography:

One is by taking notes on the sessions you attend, and sharing them in the THATCamp Museums NYC 2012 Collection in Google Docs. To better streamline the process, we have the following guidelines and requests for note-taking:

The second way to share is to tag your pictures, tweets, blog posts, etc. with “thatcamp” and “TCMNY”.

Third, if you have documentation to share that does not fall into the above categories, please send it to It will then be added to the THATCamp Bibliography.

Finally, your thoughts about THATCamp sessions are valued! Please post your reflections on each session attended on this blog. Be sure and tag your post with “Session Notes”.

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