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- Summer Camp started early . . . THATCamp, that is « Arden Kirkland's Idiosyncrasies on Schedule
- Jan Rains on Registration
- THATCamp Museums NYC 2012 « Information Flux in the 21st Century on Session proposal – On Representing Material Culture / ObjectVRs
- THATCamp Museums NYC 2012 « Information Flux in the 21st Century on Session Proposal: Cameras in the Gallery
- Anthony Weiner on Session Proposal: Web Content Management Systems and Museum Libraries
- May 2012 (26)
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Jonathan Cain
- Website: huntercain.commons.gc.cuny.edu/
- Twitter: walesinterest
My name is Jonathan Cain. I am a Reference and Instruction Librarian, Assistant Professor, and a team leader on scholarly communications. I have an interest in information distribution through government and cultural institutions large and small. Public Health and Government Information are two areas I see them as areas where information accountability, information distribution, and assurance are primary areas of investigation. I enjoy new technology and am always looking to expand upon my skills and abilities.