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- Summer Camp started early . . . THATCamp, that is « Arden Kirkland's Idiosyncrasies on Schedule
- Jan Rains on Registration
- THATCamp Museums NYC 2012 « Information Flux in the 21st Century on Session proposal – On Representing Material Culture / ObjectVRs
- THATCamp Museums NYC 2012 « Information Flux in the 21st Century on Session Proposal: Cameras in the Gallery
- Anthony Weiner on Session Proposal: Web Content Management Systems and Museum Libraries
- May 2012 (26)
- April 2012 (2)
- March 2012 (2)
- December 2011 (1)
Sponsors and Support
Jill Strykowski
- Media and Digital Resources Librarian
- Iona College
- Website: strykowski.wikidot.com/
Originally from Berkeley, CA, I have lived in New York for almost six years now. I recently complete the dual-degree program between NYU and LIU, and now have an MSLIS and an MA in archives. I was hired at Iona College in New Rochelle, NY, last November. The college is undergoing a lot of changes in management and is re-doing its strategic planning and academic missions. Technology development and adoption will play a key role in these changes and it is my job to vet those relevant to the library and archive.